Friday, July 24, 2009

Long Way – Point Three - Meeting

It is curious. The first thing that I have recalled if I said the name of today’s contribution, was something others. Just it was thing or situation from other days or time – Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Voyager in Star Trek or some excellent Czech sci-fi movie Ikarie XB 1. However, today I would like to write about the meetings in Second Life.

Actually, what does it mean the word “meeting”? It means not only somebody to meet, the real avatar, but also to take a part in some meeting, events, party and the like. But you can also notice the meeting with some place in SL or with some objects like plants, animals, buildings and others. On my long way, I experienced all these meetings and many of them deep impressed in my mind.

The meeting with one particular avatar already happened in my beginnings and it was insofar essential that I will write about that next time. However, there were another meetings with very interesting folks not only from our Czech and Slovak community. The parties are everlasting and I visited many of them and I still visit. Maybe it is in the people from ancient days, when our ancestors always joined each others to make some groups or assemblages, whether to look for a food, to defend against the enemies or only to enjoy.

The meetings with some objects were many too. I cannot remember some that much impressed me. It is not so simple. There were many of them. Sometimes it is some fantastic building or big ship like, for example, SS Galaxy. I love architecture and I enjoy visiting the churches or cathedrals both in RL and SL. There was one here in SL too. However, I have forgotten its name and it disappeared in time and space. It had beautiful architecture and I felt the never-ending silent and fear in SL as well.

The meetings with places are also big adventures in this world. Recently, I have checked my landmark directory to look for the oldest saved landmark. Lo and behold, it was jut one that should be labeled as the meeting with the fascinating place. Even I have my first SL picture just from this place. Yes, you are supposing right, I am talking about The Lost Gardens of Apollo.

You can simple hide yourselves in heights of towers of these gardens before the whole world and meditate with lonely rose in the sky. In spite of it the meetings are important and also pleasant. Like these ones that I have tried to fix in pictures as one eternal and never-ending moment of meeting.

Meeting I - IDIA Laboratories

Meeting II - Rouge Forest

Meeting III - TOYAKO

Meeting IV - The Lost Gardens of Apollo

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