Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Tower

Pure and disposed to mount unto the stars. (Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy – Purgatorio)
Since it is possible to see many interesting and fantastic things in Second Life, I already know for long time. During my stay in SL I have seen so much amazing and fully surprising that I never had supposed to be surprised by something.

There is one interview of SL freelance writer Mariner Trilling with SL builder Mariner Trilling on The Alphaville Herald blog. You can find the whole interview here. The SL tallest object is interview topic. Certainly you remember my blog contribution about the largest object in SL. It is SS Galaxy ship that lies on 4 sims. In this case, it is a huge column built from about 300 proms and it rises up to height of 2 miles, which is 3.22 kilometers.

I have decoded to explore it. So, I have flown there myself. This object is placed on sim named Campus and in fact you will land right now near it. Then I have decided to fly right to the top and to see world and the tower from close-up.

It is a bit heady feeling, when you rise up, you pass different skyboxes and you see fading sim surface. It is so breath-taking away feeling that you do few stops. One look up, an end is in distance beyond sight. I am continuing up and I am gradually passing several platforms, where you can have a rest. The horizon is missing now and the stars waken their lights. I am breathing heavily du to tiredness and even my wings do not obey me.

Finally top! I am landing heavily on the platform. Coordinate z, so altitudinal one, is showing the value of 4097. Here maybe only the angles may. I am staying calmly and I am listening the distant singing of the stars.

SLUrl: Campus

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