Dagon - HP Lovecraft from Lainy Voom on Vimeo.
This is a story adapted from Dagon by H.P. Lovecraft (1917).
Content credits are listed at the end of the film, with special mention to the pose creator, Del May. Poses can be found here.
A very big thanks to Carlos, the narrator, for being a great voice artist, and also the easiest person in the world to get along with!
The initial idea for this was to create a film in a noir/comic style using a digital novel format. However, as the film progressed, it took on a life of its own and became more of a traditional film. It is also not nearly as weird as I had initially imagined!
*At the moment, I think the weakest point of the film is the ending, I do like the crazy episode and the walking shots. I will probably go back and redo the end scene at some point, when I figure out what it needs.
Sound was designed from the freesoundproject.org (available under creative commons).
Attribution list here.
Texture credits and linkbacks: (will link when I can get deviant art to work for me again).
The original text for Dagon can be found here.