Monday, August 31, 2009


There were a lot of parties at the last weekend in August this year. I have received about eight invitations to some party during the afternoon and the evening. Of course, neither human being nor can be at several places at the same time or be divided into eight. Therefore, I had to choose. So, the first choice was Insomnia, where DJ Stase played. I came bit early, because our Globe editors meeting finished sooner than the party beginning. However, I managed to change my clothes on time.

Linn was already there and she harmonized the club lights. Some minute later, even DJ Stase appeared. After that, the good party started and several nice people came. Moreover, the super music was in the air and all danced on the floor, nobody sat. Even in spite of all these problems that were in SL in that day – lags, lags and lags again. For all that, there was pleasant atmosphere in the club.

However, I was relatively very tired lately, thus I said goodbye using my usual statement: “I am going to hug my pillow.” Nevertheless, I visited Arsenal club at one German sim, because I knew from the invitation about party to the second anniversary of club existence. Actually, it was a megaparty, because it took 12 hours and altogether 12 DJs played their music.

To my big surprise and this day’s lags, 48 avatars roistered there and all worked during my stay there. There were many light effects around me and the sploder worked continuously and lindends rained down in given time. Just I would like to be there longer, but my job called me next day, so log out.

The next morning, two surprises waited for me. The first one was that as I entered in SL, several people still danced in Arsenal. The last rests said goodbye after 12 hours marathon. The second surprise was after receiving some news from about top SL sim in August and voilà, what it appeared there: sim Nautilus – Gisco represented by Insomnia club.

Links: Top SLsims in August, Top - Insomnia

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