Tuesday, March 17, 2009

1.000.000 L$ in ¾ Hour!

Today I have received a short notice into my Email. It was about one event, which has taken place in SL yesterday. The whole article about it is on The Secondlife Newspaper. I have to share it with you.

The charity is not only a domain of the real life, but there are several charity forms in Second Life, e.g. the help to poor people in the third world, the distance child adoption or the help to AIDS patients. I wrote about this here. There is also the form of sims sponsoring through avatar donation and it is a case of yesterday event.

As you can see on the picture, this situation has appeared 15 minutes later after the opening the clothing fair at an archipelago of 9 sims. In that time there were about 300 avatars. While there was the dance party in the middle sim, the total sim donation achieved 1.000.000 lindes during only 45 minutes! Incredible!

And what can you find there? Women and men clothes, shoes, fashion generally, fashion in Gothic, Neko, Mediaeval of Victorian style or you can hunt tresures.

Be careful, the sim, mostly the middle one, is often full. Therefore, it is necessary to decrease amount of your accessories, etc. to move friendly. But of course no nudity!

SLurl: The Mediterranean Sea

(Source: The Secondlife Newspaper)

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