Sunday, August 29, 2010


So, do you know such a feeling too that you have been anywhere here? Or do you know her/him? Frenchmen have for that nice collocation, actually it is a literal translation – already seen – déjà vu. So, I still experience such feeling in Second Life. But maybe it is thanks to go to the same places.

However, just there are those right people, you can find there everything you want or everything you long for. Yes, sometimes it is a people crowd. Some other time, you would like to arrange your thoughts an to be alone. Alone and lost in the never-ending space of SL, lost in never-ending time depths.

Nevertheless, then you come back to the same places, you meet same people or you meet some new ones and you enrich your second life. Like me just now. I am writing this contribution now and in the same time I am talking with somebody that I have randomly in my friend list on Facebook and she is from Brazil. First, she has been trying in Portuguese, me in English and finally, she has been talking to me in Czech. But what Czech? Omg, a mad internet translator! Sometime it is sidesplitting, but she is trying hard.

It is not only about that to watch the sunsets or sunrises or a sky studded with stars.

It is not only about that to sit and to meditate somewhere,

It is not only about that to be.

It is about a life

It is about a friendship.

It is about a love.

Just there is no difference between this world and the other one, at least for me.

And what about you?

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