(Author's note: I intended this contribution originally for my Czech blog, but it was exclusively published in Czech in-world magazine Globe in Second Life on 8.7.2009. It was a bit different version because of the specific of Second Life. Here is the original version.)I cannot remember at all, when I sailed first time. Actually, when I was small child, thus my parents took me and my sister on some steamship, which sailed Brno dam. Then it was in probably in former The Soviet Union in Sochi, today of course in Russia. We sailed by some fast ship by the sea. I remember that I felt very badly, but it was classic sea sickness. The next way by the sea was one trip from north-German city Bremerhaven to Helgoland island. When I was in Italy, we used also the ship namely three times. Firstly, it was the passage over the Messina Strait – it is all the way to the Italian toe – to Sicily island. This ferryboat swallowed us with the whole bus and also the rail ran inside, so some train can pull in. Secondly, it was already the big ferryboat from the Sicilian small town Milazzo to north to Lipari e Eoli Isles, to one of them Vulcano. The third passage was at return way. We visited the island Elba – involuntary place of Napoleon Bonaparte stay.
Well, for the last time in RL I sailed probably the biggest craft from Dutch Rotterdam to English Kingston upon Hull. Then we continued at the mainland to Scotland. This ferryboat had eleven decks, the big shopping mall, duty free shop, concert hall and of course the cabins to sleep, but without the windows. So as far as one did not want to sleep through all 14 hours voyage, thus he/she could have a good time at thee upper decks till morning. And when we anchored by Albion coast next morning, the right English fog had welcomed us. It flowed around as like thick milk.
When I boarded it first time by the fully other occasion, I had not became conscious of its so huge largeness. Yes, I am talking about the ship named Galaxy Queen of the Sagittarian Sea. It is anchored in Sagittaria Estate and with its 650 meters length it cover 3 sims in Second Life. Its 8 decks offer whole amount of any entertainment, which one can imagine oneself. It is luxurious, grandiose and ingeniously built ship, which have no any analogy in SL. It offers really many things. I cannot specify all, but I try.
As usual, one must board any ship and also here it is no exception. The boarding terminal is amazing. Look the first picture and compare avatar size and ship itself. The basic information is in the reception. There are also here the model of the whole ship and ship map, which serves also as teleporter. You can find this one also in other parts of the ship. There are many accommodation possibilities here from the classic cabins to the opulent suites. The prizes begin at 35 L$ per night (2 nights minimum) to the Captain Suite for 5500 L$ per week. However, this one offers 1500 prims limit, 3 levels in the front of the ship, private balconies,
Built-in Hot Tub, and forward helipad. Information could be found in the reception.
ReceptionIf you are somewhere on the ship longtime, you can also do shopping. SS Galaxy offers 5 big shopping malls and one Gift Shop.
Galaxy Mall, Deck 1,
Zodiac Shops,
Galaxy Pool Deck Shops ,
Galaxy-Sag Walkway Shops,
Central Prim Mall Counter,
Gift Certificate Center Do you like dance and have a good time? Nothing is possible. There are 4 places to amusement.
Boiler Room Night Club,
Zodiac Ball Room,
The Zenith Gazebo,
Coral Lagoon Pool DeckBut one must eat too. Even if it is not necessary here in Second Life, for we do not need to replenish energy like in RL. Nevertheless, it is worth going in some restaurant or bar.
Moonlight Terrace,
Japanese Restaurant,
Starlight Lounge,
Constellation LoungeIf you can relax your body, visit some of the sport centers. You can indulge in bathing, sauna or massage. You can jogging, play basketball or minigolf, shoot artificial pigeons, parachute, fish or climb mountain wall.
Coral Lagoon Pool Deck:
Jogging Track,
Spa & Fittness CenterOf course, on would like to have a good time also otherwise than dance. SS Galaxy offers plentiful amounts of the entertainment starting with holodeck (I recommend it by all means), possibility to fly in helicopter, playing different games, including chess and golf, watching fireworks, skating on never melting ice, movie theater and art gallery.
HoloDeck Rec Room,
Glacier Café & Ice Skating Rink,
Galaxy Theater,
Nova Straaf GaleryThe possibilities continue in the field of business. The ship offers several smaller or bigger conferences room. The wedding chapel is not missing and you can visit the captain bridge.
Poseidon Hall Conference Center,
Wedding Chapel You can close your visit here by walking along the walkway to the Sagitaria Estate, where SS Galaxy anchors. There is beautiful view from the last floor of Chiron Towers.
Galaxy-Sag Walkway Maybe time is over and ship will be anchor elsewhere. We boarded the ship by sunset and we are leaving it also by sunset. We are listening sea and watching flashing floats. Our boat is coming.
(Sources: SS Galaxy blog, SS Galaxy Notecard)Boarding
Zodiac Ball Room
The Zenith Gazebo
Japanese Restaurant
Japanese Restaurant
Spa and Fitness Center
Poseidon Hall Conference Center
Wedding Chapel
Wedding Chapel