Wednesday, March 4, 2009

And time is stopped

Sometimes there is need to stop in time or in space, both in our real and the second, the virtual. To sit everywhere and to meditate. The weather outside is just fit for that. (Note: There is bad weather now in my country. It is overcast and rainy).

So, I have also sat down today and have read my Emails. There was one tip, some beautiful in Second Life again. It was a video from SL. I am always fascinated that somebody can achieve and make such a thing and with smooth camera.

Go and get lost in time and space depth somewhere or other in Africa. Let absorb by picture and music in Ancient Mother.

And what’s about the deep of no explored seas and oceans, where there is life under and over mantle of ice. All Aristotle elements – fire – earth - air – water – will battle in Remain Untamed.

Ordinary thing can look drearily as well like in the last movie Ordinary Can Be So Dreary.

Lyric Lundquist is the author of all and I recommend you watch them in high quality on YouTube.

(Sources: YouTube, New World Notes)

1 comment:

Christian said...

Wow they are some mad videos!